This summer will be the first when Norwegian scientists team up with our Danish and international partners to drill the first ever ice core into a fast flowing ice stream on Greenland. Through the EastGRIP project we aim to extract a 2500m ice core during the next 4 years, telling the story of climate and ice dynamics of northeast Greenland.
This region of Greenland has the largest ice stream on the ice cap, draining approximately 12% of the total ice loss from the ice sheet. The question we wish to answer is the what is the dynamics of this fast flowing ice stream and what can we expect in the coming centuries. Will it accelerate?
During the filed season you can follow our activity here: as well as on twitter @egripcamp @nissenjo as well as on the ice2ice home page:
In 2016, myself, Sarah Berben and Marie Fjalstad Jensen will be working form the ice.