Author: Kerim Hestnes Nisancioglu

Institutt for geovitenskap

Ice2ice visits Arendalsuka – a political festival in southern Norway

Sparking off this year governmental election campaign in Norway, Arendalsuka, a political festival in southern Norway, was crowded with top-level politicians and organisations. During the week of the festival, ice2ice scientists organised a joint ice talk and ice concert in the main square of Arendal showcasing ice2ice research on ice and climate. In addition we guided local kindergarten children and high school pupils on a geological and climate tour on Merdø, a tiny island in the new Norwegian marine national park just outside of Arendal, introducing the kids to the geology and history of the deglaciation in the area, as well as putting the past into the context of future changes expected on Greenland.

Silje Smith-Johnsen telling a fairytale to kindergarten kids about the fate of the eratic stone “stein” who was brought by the ice from Oslo to Merdø during the last ice age.
Silje Smith-Johnsen, Kerim Nisancioglu and Øyvind Paasche at their “outdoor office” in Arendal, on their way to Merdø.
View towards Denmark from Merdø, Southern Norway
Preparing for ice talk and ice concert in the centre of Arendal

Spending the summer on Greenland

This summer will be the first when Norwegian scientists team up with our Danish and international partners to drill the first ever ice core into a fast flowing ice stream on Greenland. Through the EastGRIP project we aim to extract a 2500m ice core during the next 4 years, telling the story of climate and ice dynamics of northeast Greenland.

This region of Greenland has the largest ice stream on the ice cap, draining approximately 12% of the total ice loss from the ice sheet. The question we wish to answer is the what is the dynamics of this fast flowing ice stream and what can we expect in the coming centuries. Will it accelerate?

During the filed season you can follow our activity here: as well as on twitter  @egripcamp @nissenjo as well as on the ice2ice home page:

In 2016, myself, Sarah Berben and Marie Fjalstad Jensen will be working form the ice.

Malte, Kaitlin and Joel removing excess snow from the science trench.
Malte, Kaitlin and Joel removing excess snow from the science trench.
The Twin Otter parked in the middle of camp. Power form an extension cord from the powerhouse below keeps it warm during the night.
Malte and Joel in the entrance from the ramp to the newly opened drill trench. The other two holes lead to stairwell and to tunnel to science trench.
Just before departure, the twin otter pilots watch if the outhouse (tent lower left) is occupied (flag up).
A view to the Northwestern end of camp.

Combining science with exploring the Norwegian mountains

Our outreach project «turspor» is taking form and in the next few months text will be continuously added to our group on with details of hikes in the Norwegian mountains where you can also learn a little about the science of nature: climate, geology and metereology in particular. For a glimpse of what is coming please check our current posts through DNT:



Combining the science of ice with the music of ice

Icemusic at RørosSpent the last 4 days touring central Norway with the icemusic crew lecturing about ice and climate followed by a  fantastic ice music concert featuring the music of Terje Isungseth performed by Terje on ice instruments and Maria Skrånes on vocals, backed by Tor on lights and Rune on sound.

Great opportunity to discuss the impact of climate change on ice in the Arctic, on Greenland and in Antarctica,  including our ongoing work in the ice2ice project.

Coverage here:

Rørosnytt  (local newspaper)

Storstuggu  (one of the local venues)


UiB MOOC on «Causes of Climate Change»

Our new UiB Online course (MOOC) on » Causes of Climate Change» has been launched on FutureLearn today.

Read about more about the course here:

Start Date is 21st of September, 2015

More info in Norwegian:ørste-klima-mooc

Application for ACDC2015 now open!

This years ACDC will be held at Laugarvant, Iceland in the former boarding school Heradsskolinn. The topic we will focus on is «Climate and Volcanism» and as usual we aim for an interdisciplinary group of PhD students and lecturers within the field of climate dynamics (ocean, atmosphere, geology, glaciology).

You will find a list of lecturers and link to application form on our web site. Note deadline has been extended till the 21st of March!


Lager klima-mooc

Intervju i UiB’s avis På Høyden om vår nye MOOC på klimadynamikk som vi lager sammen med kommunikasjonsavdelingen på UiB.

Filming av MOOC på Mongstad. Arnt, Asgeir og Frode






Filming av MOOC på Grønland med Frode, Iselin og Kerim
Filming av MOOC på Herdla. Frode, Arnt og Kerim
Filming av MOOC på Herdla. Frode, Arnt og Kerim