Mari finished 4 years of PhD work and defended her thesis on the 1st of December this year. You can find all her exiting results on «Abrupt changes in sea ice and dynamics of Dansgaard-Oeschger events» here:
Category: Uncategorized
Ice2ice visits Arendalsuka – a political festival in southern Norway
Sparking off this year governmental election campaign in Norway, Arendalsuka, a political festival in southern Norway, was crowded with top-level politicians and organisations. During the week of the festival, ice2ice scientists organised a joint ice talk and ice concert in the main square of Arendal showcasing ice2ice research on ice and climate. In addition we guided local kindergarten children and high school pupils on a geological and climate tour on Merdø, a tiny island in the new Norwegian marine national park just outside of Arendal, introducing the kids to the geology and history of the deglaciation in the area, as well as putting the past into the context of future changes expected on Greenland.

NRK report from field work on Greenland
Thsi spring Inger Marit Kolstadbråten from NRK Urix joined us on west coast Greenland and made a series of reports from Ilulissat and Disko Island. You can view them all here:
Norske forskere frykter raskere smelting av Grønlandsisen
Klimaendringene i full gang på Grønland og i Arktis
Klimaendringene har blitt turistattraksjon

Combining the science of ice with the music of ice
Spent the last 4 days touring central Norway with the icemusic crew lecturing about ice and climate followed by a fantastic ice music concert featuring the music of Terje Isungseth performed by Terje on ice instruments and Maria Skrånes on vocals, backed by Tor on lights and Rune on sound.
Great opportunity to discuss the impact of climate change on ice in the Arctic, on Greenland and in Antarctica, including our ongoing work in the ice2ice project.
Coverage here:
Rørosnytt (local newspaper)
Storstuggu (one of the local venues)
New PhD position in climate dynamics available in ice2ice
Deadline for applications is 24th of June 2015:
Application for ACDC2015 now open!
This years ACDC will be held at Laugarvant, Iceland in the former boarding school Heradsskolinn. The topic we will focus on is «Climate and Volcanism» and as usual we aim for an interdisciplinary group of PhD students and lecturers within the field of climate dynamics (ocean, atmosphere, geology, glaciology).
You will find a list of lecturers and link to application form on our web site. Note deadline has been extended till the 21st of March!
Lager klima-mooc
Intervju i UiB’s avis På Høyden om vår nye MOOC på klimadynamikk som vi lager sammen med kommunikasjonsavdelingen på UiB.

Kunnskapsbyen Bergen inntar Hovedstaden
ACDC2013 and ACDC2014 organize sessions at AGU and EGU!
During the next year there will be two fantastic ACDC lead session at AGU and EGU organized by the PhD students from the last two ACDC summer schools on Greenland (2014) and in Nyksund (2013):
AGU 2014 in San Francisco two sessions on
Observations and Dynamics of Deglaciations I
Observations and Dynamics of Deglaciations II
thanks to Will, Anna, Kyle and Guleed from ACDC 2013!
EGU 2015 in Wien abstract submission is open for session on:
Greenland ice loss and response to climate forcings: past, present, and future«:
Thanks to Roberta, Winnie and Bradley from ACDC 2014!
Geilo Ice Music Festival 2015
Worth checking out this years Ice Music Festival at Geilo 5-7th of February, 2014:
This year there might even be offered some science of ice, in addition to the music of ice…!